

Female Leaders and Intrahousehold Dynamics: Evidence from State Elections in India (with S Anukriti and Priya Mukherjee)
Revise and resubmit at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 15395 and the Institute of for Economic Development at BU working paper #377.

Hospital Supply and Infant Mortality: Evidence from Islamic Political Representation in Turkey (with Yunus Cem Yilmaz)

Conditionally accepted at Journal of Population Economics.

From Addiction to Aggression: The Spillover Effects of Opioid Policies on Intimate Partner Violence (with Dhaval Dave, Pinar Keskin, and Shuo Zhang)


Also available as NBER Working Paper No. 31609.

Fighting Abuse with Prescription Tracking: Mandatory Drug Monitoring and Intimate Partner Violence (with Dhaval Dave, David Hummel, Pinar Keskin, and Shuo Zhang)


Trade Liberalization and Mental Health: Evidence from China (with Pinar Keskin, Rodrigo Pinto, Huihua Xie and Lianming Zhu)


The Effects of FDI Liberalization on Structural Transformation and Demographic Change: Evidence from China (with Jessica Leight and Lianming Zhu)


Women’s Participation in the Arab Spring Protests and the Prevalence of Domestic Violence: Evidence from Egypt (with Tomer Stern)

Accepted at Feminist Economics.


Trade-offs? The Impact of WTO Accession on Intimate Partner Violence in Cambodia (with Pinar Keskin)

Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024, 106 (2): 322–333.

[Online Appendix]

Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 14918.

The Gendered Effects of Globalization: Recent Evidence from Developing Countries (with Jessica Leight) 

Journal of Globalization and Development (introductory piece for the Special Issue on Gendered Effects of Globalization in Developing Countries)

2023, 14 (2): 171-175.

Syrian Refugee Inflows, Health Care Access, and Childhood Vaccination in Turkey (with Pinar Keskin, Miray Omurtak and Ilhan Can Ozen)

World Bank Economic Review, 2023, 37 (1): 127146.

[Online Appendix]

Also available as the Institute of for Economic Development at BU working paper #378.

Social Distancing, Stimulus Payments, and Domestic Violence: Evidence from the U.S. during COVID-19 (with Pinar Keskin and Silvia Prina)

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 2022, 112: 262–266.

[Online Appendix]

Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 15098.

Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-specific Curfews in Turkey (with Onur Altindag and Pinar Keskin)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022, 14 (2): 320–343.

[Online Appendix] [Replication Files]

Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 14281.

  - Featured in GlobalDev Blog

Does Knowledge Empower? Education, Legal Awareness and Intimate Partner Violence (with Pinar Keskin)

Feminist Economics, May 2022.

Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 14480. 

Female Employment and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Syrian Refugee Inflows to Turkey (with Pinar Keskin)
Journal of Development Economics, 2021, 150, 102607.
Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 14066.
  - Featured in VoxDev

Exporting out of Agriculture: the Impact of WTO Accession on Structural Transformation in China (with Jessica Leight)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103 (2): 364-380.
[Online Appendix] [Replication Files]
  - Featured in VoxDev

Capital Controls: Theory and Evidence (with Anton Korinek and José Antonio Ocampo)
Journal of Economic Literature, 2021, 59 (1), 45-89.
Also available as NBER Working Paper No. 26447.
  - Featured in VoxEU

The Future of Commodity Prices and the Pandemic-driven Global Recession: Evidence from 150 Years of Data (with José Antonio Ocampo)
World Development, 2021, 137, 105164.

Rethinking Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing in the Age of New Technologies (with Oliver Schwank)
Background paper for the Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2020.
Journal of Globalization and Development, 2021, 12(1): 1–45.

Breaking the Cycle? Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence (with Pinar Keskin)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020, 102 (2): 252-268.
Also available as the Institute of for Economic Development at BU working paper #296, November 2017.
[Online Appendix] [Replication Files]
    - Featured in VoxDev

Trade Liberalization and Local Labor Market Adjustment in South Africa (with Jessica Leight and Fiona Tregenna)
Journal of International Economics, 2019, 118: 448-467.
[Online Appendix]

Compulsory Schooling for Whom? The Role of Gender, Poverty, and Religiosity (with Pinar Keskin)
Economics of Education Review, 2019, 72: 187-203.

The Real Exchange Rate, Structural Change, and Female Labor Force Participation (with Martina Metzger)
World Development, 2019, 117: 296–312.

For Better or for Worse? Education and the Prevalence of Domestic Violence in Turkey (with Pinar Keskin)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2018, 10 (1): 64-105.
[Online Appendix]. [Replication Files]
    - Featured in VoxDev

Output Effects of Global Food Commodity Shocks (with Kerem Tuzcuoglu)
Journal of Globalization and Development, 2018, 9 (1): 1-18.

Macroeconomic Effects of Capital Account Regulations (with José Antonio Ocampo)
IMF Economic Review, 2017, 65 (2): 193–240.

Proposal for a Global Fund for Women through Innovative Finance (with Nilufer Cagatay)
Feminist Economics, 2017, 23 (4): 170-200.

Super Cycles of Commodity Prices since the Mid-Nineteenth Century (with José Antonio Ocampo)
World Development, 2013, 44, 14–30.
    - Featured in Financial Times, Huffington Post, Bloomberg View, NPR's Marketplace, Western Producer

Macroeconomic Transmission of Eurozone Shocks to Emerging Economies
International Economics, 2012, 131, 43-70.

North-South Terms of Trade Trends from 1960 to 2006
International Review of Applied Economics, 2011, 25 (2): 171–184.


Transforming Minds: The Impact of Public Mental Healthcare Provision on Children’s Outcomes in Brazil (with Diogo G. C. Britto, Pinar Keskin, Breno Sampaio, and Shuo Zhang)

Transforming Inter-gender Relational Culture in Schools: A Behavioral Targeting to Mitigate Sexual Harassment of Girls (with Sule Alan and Asad Islam)

Empowering Women in Vulnerable Coastal Communities: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh (with Sonia Bhalotra, Stefano Caria, and Asad Islam)

Maternal Mental Health and Early Childhood Development in Conflict-Affected Settings: A Large Scale Experimental Evidence from Colombia (with Pinar Keskin and Andrés Moya Rodriguez)